27 March 2009

Less Than Zero, and Role Models

Less Than Zero

I recall thinking the book was a bit hyperbolic, even in the 80's, but I should have waited even longer (like forever) before seeing the movie.

Role Models

A few great South-Park-esque laughs, otherwise marred by a cookie-cutter plot. Props to the creative anachronism nod.

11 March 2009

Synecdoche, New York

Mostly unlike anything else, in mostly a good way.

Many many many moments of brilliance (example: the deft handling of the difference between clock time -- years -- and emotional time -- feels like weeks -- when processing certain life-events) marred by Kaufman's adolescent, wallowing navel-gazing. Far more interesting than almost any other recent treatment of consciousness in cinema -- but that's setting a pretty low bar.

Note to Charlie: Not only does it not have to be dire to posses gravitas, but it would actually say more (and be deeper) if it wasn't.

10 March 2009


Maher doesn't appear to seek out the most articulate advocates of religious traditions -- since the most poised interviewee is actually an actor who portrays Jesus at a "born again" theme park in Orlando, Florida.

So at times it feels like he's "shooting fish in a barrel".

But it's still the funniest scary movie of 2008.